Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Interpersonal Communication - Real Life Report Number One

Ryan Licht

COM 201


Interpersonal Communication - Real Life Report Number One


Do you remember the last time you initiated a relationship? Initiating a relationship is something we all do cautiously and incautiously. Whether you are purposely initiating a relationship or not, we all use different strategies in which we initiate relationships. However, the strategies that we use must executed  conventional and efficient to establish the desired the relationship. In this report, I will discuss the four main strategies of initiating a relationship and my own personal account on my own relationship.

Networking is just one of the four main strategies for initiating a relationship. When you ‘network’, you are using a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups that have a common interest. For example, when you looked over the significant other’s “Facebook” to see what hobbies they may be into to help the first moments of contact go well. Another strategy to observe is “offering”. Offering yourself helps the other person to breach the awkward moment of initial contact. For example, by positioning yourself near the person; sitting down near to them or putting yourself somewhere that you know they will be approaching. The third strategy is called “approaching” and is probably the most feared. This strategy is so feared do the discomfort or the chance of being denied in the process. However, most people would prefer to be approached, so the chances can be more positive than some might think. The fourth and final strategy is called “sustaining.” This strategy is applied while already engaging with the desired relationship. In this scenario, the one who first initiated the relationship should keep the conversation going and not allow it to go flat.

Throughout this week, I found myself very busy and unable to observe a relationship initiation. Nevertheless, this is not to say that I have not experienced this form of communication in my personal life. I met girlfriend three years ago when we were both seniors in high school. I remember her sitting near me due the connection we had with a friend who already found seat next me earlier. As year went on, I got to know her on a more acquaintance level but I wanted to her more. To achieve this, I used the strategy of networking by communicating with our mutual friend, thus allowing myself to know her better. Over following weeks, I took on the strategy of offering myself by sitting closer to her, making it easier for to either converse or “flirt” with each other. Later, I began the two strategies of approaching her and sustaining a positive conversation with her. I continued this strategy by texting her by phone, increasing our familiarity with one another. During the break between our senior year in high school, the two us finally went on our first date. Since then, we have created a strong affection for one another and have developed a solid relationship.

Looking back on this moment, I can definitely account that age and culture play a role in both of us at the time. We are both roughly the same age and were experiencing the hardships of AP psychology class together. Now in my case, I was first to initiate the relationship but I was equally approached by her after the first step. I, however do recall making point to myself keep the conversation going before any amount awkwardness could creep in. Now as far as interactions being more likely to be initiated with persons of the same sex or opposite sex, I would have say that it depends on what they may have in common at the time. I have found myself in many social gatherings but found hard to associate with people that did at least share something that I liked in pop culture elements of bonding.

To conclude, by following a the four main strategies for initiating a relationship, you may increase your chances in developing strong relationship with the significant other. I found that when age and culture are typically similar, relationships are much easier to establish. This is due to people being able to create bonds with familiarity with pop culture or other elements of life experiences.

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